Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christofer Drew and the Electric Theatre.

A classic little venue located in St. George, Utah housed what appeared to be over a hundred Nevershoutnever fans. Of course, the show was rocked by the duet with Christofer and quite the amount of die-hard singing fans (and an even mix of boys, believe it or not), myself included. I find myself consistently describing the acoustic/ukelele sound as a distinguished sing-along artist on my iPod.
I am a nursing assistant, and my closest patient I've had yet passed away a few days ago. She always asked me to sing a particular song for her while I cared for her. While in the hospital room sitting next to her dying bed, my iPod in my hand as the Skullcandies led up to her ears on medium volume, this song was playing.



  1. awwww, that sounds like something he would post on his myspace page. maybe you should message him. haha.

  2. Okay, I just posted a link to this page onto his Facebook. Hopefully he takes the time to read it!
