Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sorry, guys...

It's been way too long since I've blogged. But, that's what happens when your laptop breaks! Facebook and e-mail come first. :/ Well, music always first. My headphones are just always in. It's sharing it with you guys that hasn't been my priority lately, and I hope you will find it in your heart to eventually forgive me.

Starting off, we have Bruno Mars, B.o.B. and Cee-Lo. Bruno Mars has been taking over the summer.

"The Other Side"

"Billionaire" (feat. Travie McCoy)

Next, we have some others I've been rather enjoying lately.
First of which, Metermaids. These boys have put me on an alternative rap kick as of late. This song is so much fun, and the video is crucial to your introduction.
"Turn The Lights Out"

This song just rocks.
Kaci Battaglia - "Crazy Possessive"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Peter & the Wolf's "Golden Stars"

A voice slightly similar to that of Andrew Bird, an entirely different style. This is a fresh tune for all to enjoy.

"Golden Stars" (album: Golden Stars) (artist: Peter and the Wolf)

Alas! An MP3 Stream of "Shadow People"!

After quite the long wait, I have encountered an MP3 stream of Dr. Dog's latest catch; courtesy of

"Shadow People" (album: Shame, Shame) (artist: Dr. Dog)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A "Trip" Back to the 60's.

I've been loving this song as of late. The title explains it all.

"To Die In LA" (album: 4th and Wall) (artist: West Indian Girl)


"What Are You Afraid Of?" (album: West Indian Girl)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Orba Squara

:) This, waking me up in the morning, brings me to believe I should be hearing birds chirping. However, during the February month of Utah...

"Perfect Timing (This Morning)" (album: Sunshyness) (artist: Orba Squara)

How foreign born are you, exactly?

These boys have quite the drumline happening in the track, "Into Your Dream", a slice off the album "On The Wing Now". I'm really happy with it. It, being the guitar, tune, voice, SONG. Foreign Born has my R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

"Into Your Dream"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nada Surf - Lucky.

Excellent album, through and through. These folks are compared to Rogue Wave quite often... I don't thoroughly understand, there is a significant difference. However, just as brilliant in their own way.

"See These Bones" (album: Lucky) (artist: Nada Surf)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wild Sweet Orange.

I love wild, sweet oranges. I also love Wild Sweet Orange. So do you.
Here's a slightly folkish punk-rock tune for you all to enjoy (somewhere along the lines, in my mind, of a modern Violent Femmes).

"Wrestle With God" (album: The Whale EP)

The 11th Commandment... Loving The Epochs.

It's pretty simple. Enjoy.

"Mouths to Feed" (album: The Epochs) (artist: The Epochs)

"Opposite Sides" (album: The Epochs) (artist: The Epochs)

I'm a believer.

I've found yet another artist that has heightened the sound of their tunes with string instruments... The Choir of Young Believers. Jannis Noya Makrigiannis emerged out of Denmark and graced the rest of this Earth with his presence when grabbing a couple of his friends and releasing his first EP, "Burn The Flag".

This one may be the first full length album as of now, but I haven't found a track on it that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed. I'm ready for another release. Cheers. :)

"Hollow Talk" (album: This is For the White in Your Eyes)

The Academy Is...

All right, I know I have always enjoyed The Academy Is. But, have they always sounded like this? It's been an eye-opening experience for me. Anyway, here's my toast to "Fast Times at Barrington High".

"Rumored Nights" (album: Fast Times at Barrington High)

The Apples In Stereo - New Magnetic Wonder discs.

The Apples in Stereo are the artists of choice for my day, today. Here's an American indie rock band you can really drive to, if you get what I mean. A new album is currently in creation somewhere deep within the city limits of Lexington, Kentucky... And has a release date set for April 20, 2010.
As for New Magnetic Wonder; duo discs of glory! This album has two compact discs of mind chokingly excellent tunes. Take 'em for a spin, sometime.

This one in particular has been sending me into even further Summer heat withdrawals...
"The Sun Is Out" (album: New Magnetic Wonder CD 1)

"7 Stars" (album: New Magnetic Wonder CD 2)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rarely are remixes as successful as the original.

So, this one is defying everything I believe in. Categorized in my mind along with "You Will Find A Way" Switch and Graeme Sinden Remix by Santigold.

I'm LOVING Yeasayer, lately. Bearing in mind that this is a REMIX, if you like the style you hear... Look them up.
Anyway, here it is.

"Ambling Alps Remix" by Alan Wilkis (album: Odd Blood) (artist: Yeasayer/Alan Wilkis)

Friday, January 29, 2010

A constant aching for the Dandy Warhols.

With a lead vocal whose biography claims him as the "acceptable face" for augmented humanity and states he has left Earth thanks to boredom, one can not help but pray for their return. Courtney Taylor-Taylor (this front man) describes the band's forming as a group of friends who "needed music to drink to."
While influenced strongly by The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkle, I can comfortably say that The Dandy Warhols have contributed to setting the standards for the indie genre of today. Right up there alongside Pinback, it is not often I go a day without Dandy.

"The Last High" (album: Welcome to the Monkey House)

Built to Spill's discography... a necessary notch to have in your mp3 player's belt. Respected indie forefathers, these artists can sing and instrumental into my extroverted ears all they desire.

Here's a piece of the most recent album (released in 2009):

(There's no video, it's the only mp3 stream I could get a hold of.)
"Things Fall Apart" (album: There Is No Enemy) (The trumpet session is epic.)

"I'll do everything you want me to..."

The personal favorite from Ben Kweller. No, it isn't a new release at all. But, I'm not exactly a "new release" blog. This is just a tune that I've been singing out loud to as I go about my business today. :) My favorite line starts about... "I wanna start going on a morning walk". This gem will never crack.

"Sundress" (album: Self-titled)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Help I'm Alive.

"Help I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer...beating like a hammer."

"Help I'm Alive" (album: Fantasies) (artist: Metric)

FW addiction.

This "Weathervanes" album has shaken up my world. I'm impressed. I thought tonight about Freelance Whales coming across a tie with Pinback for my artist of choice. If not a tie, close at second. A voice slightly like Christofer Drew Ingles from Nevershoutnever, but a sound like Iron and Wine (at times), or even...Freezepop (at other times). A mixture like that sounding okay? You better believe it.

"Broken Horse" (album: Weathervanes)

"Generator ^ First Floor" (album: Weathervanes) (It kicks in at 0:40. This track is the one that will help you understand my Chris Drew reference, starting at 1:44.)

Have you prayed to the Ace of Base gods lately?

Calling my friend Mason "Mase of Base" has reminded me of the excellent reggae-ton 90's piece "All That She Wants", and since then I've been appreciating it daily. Yes, it's been overplayed... yes, it was what your parents listened to if you're in my generation... But, what my parents listened to during their teen years is what I listen to... all the time. Even further back to the 80's, and to the 70's.... Then back to what my grandparents listened to. The 60's, 50's, and 40's, even 20's.

The 80's were the first to whip out some seriously strange tunes and videos using technology and succeeding in their popularity on the radio and MTV*.
But, there were quite a few gems in the 90's, Ace of Base being one of them.

"All That She Wants" (album: The Sign)

*"Video Killed The Radio Star" by the Buggles being the first music video shown by MTV...ever.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"I believe regardless, I believe in everyone"

This is the refreshing message Joanna Newsom shares with us in her new piece "'81". This is the sort of song I would like to hike to for a spell, followed by floating on a log down a calm river for 31 days straight, with meditation after. Honestly, anybody who shares especially pronounced ears like mine has my companionship, but anybody who can pluck a tune out of a harp such as this... Appreciated. It's beautiful. Not for you mainstreamers.

click here to listen on zshare

I know, I know... It's still winter.

But, at the moment there is a part of me that's aching for summer to arrive and stay awhile. This song has been putting me in the mood for summer (think: aviators, RayBans, sundresses, and sticky clothing from the sweat/tanning lotion). Ladies and Gents, Animal Collective.

"Summertime Clothes" (album: Merriweather Post Pavilion)

What Is Love? album out today!

Satisfied. Actually, blown away. Christofer Drew is complicating his tunes with a slight increase of drums, bass geetar, and a little intensity in the beat. As far as I'm concerned, this is grand. I like his simplicity, but I'm enjoying this as well! It excites me to see what more Nevershoutnever has to offer in the future. In the first 24 hours of availability (@ Target), this album is already in my inventory.

"Can't Stand It" (album: What Is Love?)

"Love Is Our Weapon" (album: What Is Love?)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rated xx.

I'm so taken over by these indie emo-cons. My morals are slipping, and there is no repenting of The xx for me. :)

"Crystalised" (album: xx)


Here's a band I've really been addicted to. They have a knack for the indie-electronic recipe, and I've enjoyed it today. The album Fantasies is satisfying with every track, I just haven't been let down yet.

"Collect Call" (album: Fantasies)

Local Natives have been on replay for a minute.

All right, longer than that. These humans never fail to impress me. Have a listen, it might cure cancer.

"Airplanes" (album: Gorilla Manor)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Manners, please.

When I first listened to Passion Pit, the virgin thought that crossed my mind was "These guys have definitely established their own sound..."
After more consistent listening, they've overcome brilliance in my eyes. Thank you, Passion Pit.

"Eyes As Candles" (album: Manners)

This is way beyond my remote concern of being condescending.

A snitchet from "Caring Is Creepy" (a classic Shins piece most are familiar with) to start this next post off. A devoted listener, enjoying their discography from my Pioneer speakers in my little Sentra is an activity that never gets old. If you haven't devoted yourself yet, there's still time.

"Split Needles" (off the album Wincing The Night Away)

Christofer Drew and the Electric Theatre.

A classic little venue located in St. George, Utah housed what appeared to be over a hundred Nevershoutnever fans. Of course, the show was rocked by the duet with Christofer and quite the amount of die-hard singing fans (and an even mix of boys, believe it or not), myself included. I find myself consistently describing the acoustic/ukelele sound as a distinguished sing-along artist on my iPod.
I am a nursing assistant, and my closest patient I've had yet passed away a few days ago. She always asked me to sing a particular song for her while I cared for her. While in the hospital room sitting next to her dying bed, my iPod in my hand as the Skullcandies led up to her ears on medium volume, this song was playing.


Feeling better after listening to some Hot Chip...

It hasn't been the best weekend for good old Jade. HOWEVER, after enjoying the most recent Hot Chip piece... The week has been brightened by the electronic symphony. :) If you haven't experienced any Alexis Taylor in your life, yet... Fix that.

"I Feel Better"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Itching for Deer Tick.

Clever title, right?
These boys have been occupying my ears for a few days, now. I could always share. Here's a personal favorite of mine (it's really cute).

"These Old Shoes"

Icthyophobia maxes out with whales.

Of all the fish in the sea, whales are the most terrifying for me. It could be the size...or the hair-brush teeth... Either way, Sleep Whale has been good to me. The earthy acoustics in this pick off the album "Rules" have been a favorite to chillax to.

"We Were Dripping"

The Whitest Boy Alive... Is he really?

The Whitest Boy Alive reminds me of Royskopp's "Remind Me" track (irony?) ...all the time. If "Remind Me" itself were a band...this would be it. It's been a dream come true for me.


"Let's do something real."

Delphic, the "UK Sound of 2010" they've been dubbed. This alternative electronic album is flawless.
Beginning with "This Momentary" track, it kicks off to something you can either sleep or dance to. Their sound is something along the lines of Miike Snow and The Killers fornicating (And Daft Punk? Are threesomes crossing the line?).

"This Momentary"

"Doubt Re-dub"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Name to Know... Tinashé.

An upcoming beat from the UK is rising, and here's your chance to snatch him. Discovered/signed by Amy Winehouse's A&R rep, Tinashé has a new EP out, featuring the single "Mayday". His poignant lyrics describe heartbreak in the form of a plane crash.

However, try as I may, I could NOT find a single mp3 stream for you folks of the original "Mayday" (Remixes are out there, my personal fave would be the "So Shifty").
So, off to listen to the single @ you go.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Motorsickle Song.

Who can forget the artists who rocked Woodstock? Here we have Arlo Guthrie, son of Woody Guthrie. I've been on a folk/acoustic kick lately, and here's somebody of note. Like his father, his music usually consists of political opinion (in particular, "Alice's Restaurant", "a bitingly satirical protest against the Vietnam War draft" that has been played as a tradition on many stations during the Thanksgiving holiday).

Guthrie himself is an interesting person. He was awarded the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience award on September 26, 1992; before that, he bought a church and converted it to the "Guthrie Center", an interfaith meeting place that serves people of all religions. This man knows how to coexist.

"The Motorcycle Song"

It's pronounced "roe-sheen", folks.

Róisín Marie Murphy is new-age old-fashioned electronic pop alternative Irish singer/songwriter. I've been enjoying her for a couple years now, and after seemingly disappearing from the new-release scene, she's been up and back with a new single titled "Momma's Place".
I first heard Róisín back when I used to compete in dance competitions, as an interpretive-style group performed to a rhythmic "Ramalama" track. While standing off-stage warming up for our turn, I was frantically trying to memorize the words so that I could look the piece up later.
