: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer ; also : the contents of such a site.
This new fad, it goes by the name of blogging. My BFFL Jamee participates in this new fad. I watched her slowly become addicted to hers, as I became addicted to reading hers. I decided I would give it a try. I am still unsure of what my blog is going to focus on. Minus keeping up with the latest trends, I am no fashion-guru. Nor am I obsessive over a particular hobby (with the exception of musica and reading).
I just have my life, and my life lessons to share. :)
Hmm... Interesting? Maybe to my friends. But, I will probably be doing this mostly for myself.
What do I start with? The day's events? The week's events?
Lately, the only music I listen to is Death Cab or The Shins. I can't explain that one, besides the fact that both of those names mean incredible tune-age.
Also, I have got this newfound infestation of buggards in my bedroom. Spiders mostly, though a scouting earwig or two show up on special occasions. :)
Upon attempting to "smush" one the other evening, I used my hairbrush. Which broke. I took that as a challenge. I have now brought hammers, knives, and an assortment of unique utensils into my bedroom. Mostly successful, and when I'm feeling extra savvy, a toilet plunger.
I've never had any severe form of arachnophobia, luckily.
Although, I do participate in the enjoyment of ichthyophobia.
That is fear of fish. Yes, sticking my finger in an aquarium might end my heartbeat. However, I manage to have an incredible infatuation with scuba diving.
It's a rush for me, and I have found myself to be quite the adrenaline junkie these days.
And that's my first blog entry. How quaint.
Now, here is an elephant to look at.